On the 16th, the first 20 pages of my middle grade novel was workshopped. I was terrified that someone would say, "Oops, now we see that you don't belong here. You aren't good enough yet. Come back in a few years." But no one did. In fact, I got many compliments on the novel, and lots of helpful feedback. The common thread in all the critiques was that it was ambitious, and complex, and that I had taken on a big task for myself. That kind of freaked me out. But the novel is finished, and no loose ends were left hanging. So I guess it's not too bad. I gave the entire novel to Sarah Ellis to read, and she'll give me some feedback on it with her response to my first packet. Which is due on August 13th. OMG!
I am focusing this packet on the picture book. I've written a couple first drafts so far-I intend to turn in 4 or 5 picture books with this packet, an annotated bibliography of about 20 books (mostly pb's), and 2 critical essays whose topics will be something to do with picture books also. I'm feeling pretty confident about the rest of the packet-but those essays are stressing me out. I'm beginning to think that maybe picture books are not my thing. They are really hard to write well!!